
Uswa Baig
4 min readApr 11, 2021

Hello peeps! Here I am to share some magical totkay with you. Oh no no! please don't think of me as Zubaida Appa. I am not going to tell you to make your tummy flat and skin shade fair. In fact I am going to make sure that you get much more than that. So lets dive in!! :)

Have you ever thought why some people are extraordinary and excel in almost everything they take part in. Have you ever seen a class mates who gives the best presentations, best projects, best answers and always tops the class. The reason behind their success is their growth mindset. Now what is growth mindset?

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work — brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” ( Dweck, 2015)

Some key traits of people with growth mindset are:

    They are their best advisors, best critics, best evaluators and best supporters. You’ll not see them drowning in self-doubt, self pity and negativity. They reflect upon their actions, learn lessons from them, accept their flaws, forgive themselves and promise to do better next time and move on.
    You eat healthy fruits and veggies when you want six packs and all those muscles right, similarly, the food to your brain are your thoughts. Make your to feed your brain healthy. You are the reflection of your thoughts, make sure to be a moon in pit dark canvas.
    All the things in nature teach us to break out of our comfort zone, either it is the flowing river or the growing plants. The crests and troughs of the heart beat pulse shows that you are alive and a dead line represents that you are no more. Moving, trying new things, challenging yourself keeps you alive and growing.
    Every time you want to build muscles you push yourself harder, increase the number reps and weight you lift. You know why because your body creates new muscles threads to adapt to the new situation. Similarly, you brain is an organ, the more you push it to do something new and scarier, it will grow trying to adapt to the new change and you will learn to be comfortable outside the comfort zone. Take control of your brain and do not let your brain take control of you.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is “extra”.

If you want to live an extraordinary life you must inculcate extraordinary habits. Habits are the actions we do daily and unconsciously, these all tiny actions combined together can make a big impact so why not develop the habits that take us near our goal like reading to improve our knowledge every day, keeping a journal to track our achievements every week, trying to wake up early, trying to eat healthy, trying to do one good deed every day, trying to write one paragraph daily, trying to assign fixed slot of time to learn a new skill, trying to reflect on good and back things everyday so on and so forth, This depends upon you and your goal.

We must accept the fact that we can not be good at everything every time and there will always be a better person than us some where. There will always be a person who knows more than us. Every person has his own forte. Its better to ask for help than to keeps stumbling and wasting time. Asking for help shows your humility and courage. It does not always refer to the times when you don't know anything but in fact asking for feedback from a person who is expert in that field helps you to get better and increases you knowledge/experience as well. Asking for help gives you new perspective that you might be unaware of or even highlights the issues keeping you away from success.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and to learn something new.

Barack Obama

Your body gives out vibes, your personality has aura. If you look miserable, you’ll feel miserable. If you dress up nice, you’ll feel nice. Your feelings give out energy, others will perceive you according to the vibes you give out. If you’ll act confident you’ll be perceived strong and if you will act timid, you’ll be perceived as weak. Have you ever heard about power posing? Do google it.


My favorite traits were self talk and creating new habits as I am a firm believer that you know yourself better than anybody else in the world and creating new habits is again a practical and quantifiable thing to do. I have already worked on getting outside my comfort zone before and that took me with shook. I have also developed a habit of reading 10 pages of a book daily, making a to-do list and always question myself at the end of the day. The only thing I need help is asking for help from others in away that does not let me appear vulnerable and needy. Faking it till making it is a trait that also requires some work from my side. I am thinking of devising a way to ask help from others in a way that does not show my weak side and also is a humble way of asking for help that others can never deny of.

